Write email

Once you have submitted an email, a confirmation letter will be automatically sent to your email address. Please be sure to click on this confirmation message within 7 days. If you do not receive a confirmation message, please go to "Unconfirmed Case Inquiries" and send a follow-up message.

(Required) Subject
(Required) Content
(Up to 5 files)

Accepted file types: tif, tiff, gif, jpg, png, bmp, pdf; single file sizes up to 4 MB. To help speed processing, please do not send files that are encrypted.

(Required) Email

Note: The system will send a confirmation letter to the designated email address. Please ensure that you have included a correct email address, and exercise care in terms of the email system being used. If you do not see a confirmation letter in your inbox, please check to see if it has been diverted to your spam folder. You can also try to re-send your message using a different email account.

(Required) Name
Male Female
(Required) Verification code